Ba No Yong Zhun

Spinner and Weaver

I am 49 and have three kids and two grandsons. I am Du Ru La Mo's older sister. Between my son and daughter is a gap of 18 years. My oldest daughter died when she was 19. When she died, we decided to have another child. She is still in elementary school.

I was 15 when my mother taught me weave. I was 18 when I learned to spin. I like working for TAHDA because it gives me the flexibility I need to work while also watching and caring for my two grandsons. 

I use the money I make working for TAHDA to buy food for myself and my family.  

My favorite thing in life is going up to the mountains to look for mushrooms. I love the views and the atmosphere when I am in the mountains. I also miss living in my hometown. I could raise my crops. Have my own yaks, and chickens. Life there had more meaning.